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Tallinn aims at increasing the number of cyclists and pedestrians, through the promotion of sustainable mobility modes.

The main challenges Paris faces are reducing private car use and promoting active and shared modes, and public transport. Among the main policy goals included in the city’s mobility plan, are the promotion of walking and cycling, the development of electric mobility, and the gradual ban of diesel and gasoline cars.

Bologna aims at a 40% reduction in emissions from traffic by 2030 compared to 1990. Some of the city’s main policy goals are: to guarantee a high level of accessibility; to reach the objectives of climate protection (COP21); to reach the objectives for healthy air (Regional Plans); and to minimize accidents caused by mobility (European goals: reduction by 50%).

Some of the challenges Budapest is currently facing are the ageing of the public transport fleet, inefficient services and poor connections between infrastructure. Creating a liveable, attractive and healthy urban environment and a safe, reliable and dynamic mobility system, are some of the policy objectives included in their mobility plan.

London is currently tackling its air quality problems. One of the main policy goals included in the city’s mobility plan, is to do by 2041 80% of all journeys by public transport, walking and cycling.

Turku aims at shifting into more sustainable mobility modes. The main policy goals included in the city’s mobility plans are to achieve carbon neutral transport by 2029, and to reach a 66% share of sustainable transport modes by 2030.

Some of the challenges faced by Brussels are the promotion of cycling & public transport, and the integration of new mobility solutions. Policy goals include road specialisation to protect neighbourhoods and local streets from traffic.

Dublin wants to accommodate the planned 30% growth through modal shift and spatial relocation, meeting environmental and climate targets. One of the city’s policy goals included in its mobility plan is to achieve climate targets and not to increase the number of private vehicles.

Lisbon aims at humanizing the city, increasing active mobility, reducing high commuting patterns and seizing the MaaS and shared mobility opportunities. Some of the policy goals the city aims to achieve by 2030 are: zero mobility-related deaths; 66% of trips on alternative modes; and 10% of trips by bike.