COVID-19 pandemic functioned as catalyst for implementation in Leuven
Our last summer interview highlighted the progress made in Leuven and explained even some positive COVID-19 effects on implementation. ...
Madrid pushed back against COVID-19
EMT Madrid gave us a brief update and highlighted their post-COVID-19 return to normality.
Regensburg: Great progress, but COVID-19 delays e-scooter deployment
Experts from Regensburg gave us an update about recent developments in the Bavarian city.
Aimsun: a backbone for MOMENTUM’s transport modelling
We spoke with Aimsun about the challenges of supply- and demand models and their work in MOMENTUM.
Tools, trips & transport modelling: an interim insight
We spoke with Sergio Fernández Balaguer (EMT Madrid) about recent developments in the MOMENTUM project.
‘MOMENTUM’ and ‘eHubs’ – a match made in Leuven
We spoke with Tim Asperges, transport policy advisor from Leuven, about the synergies of the eHubs- and the MOMENTUM projects...
COVID-19 proofs that big data traffic modelling helps quick decision-making
We spoke with Georgia Ayfantopoulou from CERTH in Thessaloniki about the challenges of traffic planning during COVID-19 and the emerging...
Trams, people movers and European projects – an exciting future for Regensburg
We spoke officials from Regensburg about the reasons for joining MOMENTUM, post-COVID-19 mobility plans and the new municipal government.
New Mobility Services in times of COVID-19: the MOMENTUM project’s approach
We spoke with our partner Nommon about the progress of integrating emerging mobility solutions in cities and current COVID-19 challenges....