MOMENTUM partner TUM publishes research on AV influence on traffic flows
MOMENTUM partners from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have recently published a book chapter on Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), titled ‘Factors affecting traffic flow efficiency implications of connected and autonomous vehicles: A review and policy recommendations’. This chapter is part of a series called ‘Advances in Transport Policy and Planning’, published by Elsevier. The authors review various research works pertaining to AVs and identify 19 different factors that influence traffic flow efficiency implications. Four categories, namely vehicle characteristics, travel behaviour, network characteristics and policies, are formed based on the 19 identified factors. A number of policy recommendations, such as integration of CAVs with public transport, incentivising ride-sharing, and congestion pricing, are discussed based on the identified factors. These factors are not only applicable to AVs, but also to a variety of emerging modes. MOMENTUM will carefully consider all of these factors and policy suggestions, when building tools and designing SUMPs.
You can access the chapter in “Advances in Transport Policy and Planning” here.