MOMENTUM shared progress with external experts
Getting feedback from experts is always very valuable. Thus, MOMENTUM organised its second expert workshop on 9 December 2021. The small but excellent group of six researchers from Berkeley, Leuven, Boston, Madrid and Cologne listened to the presentations from several of MOMENTUMs technical partners. Besides the presentation of the decision-support tool from CERTH/Hit, Nommon and TML also presented the latest advancements of the MOMENTUM tools. The two main objectives of the workshop were to gather feedback about the transport modelling developments in the MOMENTUM project and to receive input on how to integrate these in the decision support tools.
The three-hour event started with a project introduction by Javier Burrieza from Nommon, which was followed by the introduction of the research topics related to shared mobility services, which is the development of data-driven machine learning models that exploit the operation data collected by shared mobility companies. The model was developed with data from a bike sharing service in Madrid and combines the operation data with additional datasets that can provide explanatory features for the observed shared mobility demand, which includes:
- mobile network data, which provide information about the volume and composition of overall travel demand
- land use data, which provide information about the type of activities that can be performed at the origin and at the destination
- weather data, which provide information about the weather conditions throughout the analysed period
- public transport network data, which provide information about the public transport supply available in each OD pair.
The second presentation was held by Joren Vanherck from TML, who introduced the development of methods for optimising the location of intermodal hubs to facilitate the use of shared bikes for accessing the city centre in Leuven. The available data was a car OD demand matrix that links the following things:
- travel times by bike and car
- the related network for cars and bikes
- a set of 10 preferred park & bike location
In addition, all the MOMENTUM models and tools could be used. No specific data about bike sharing operating costs nor about bike sharing demand is available, as this is not yet in operation.
After each presentation, the invited experts had the chance to ask questions and provided valuable feedback concerning the framework chosen by MOMENTUM.