Can you substitute the private car with shared mobility?
As part of the local peer-to-peer workshops that every MOMENTUM city is organising, Madrid organised a workshop about the planning and management tool for new forms of mobility. The hybrid event, which took place on 23 November from 11:30-14:00, was well-attended and gave stakeholders an insight into the developments of the EU-funded MOMENTUM project in general, as well as local implementation in particular. EMT Madrid, as coordinator of the MOMENTUM project, organised the event in cooperation with NOMMON, the Impact Hub, the Connected Mobility Hub and Madrid Green Urban Mobility Lab.
After some welcoming words from the managing director of EMT Madrid, Alfonso Sánchez Vicente and an overview of the MOMENTUM project by Sergio Fernández and Cristina Valdés, the first roundtable started. The latter focused aimed to answer the question whether it is possible to substitute the private car with shared mobility. Various high-level speakers shared their opinion, including the Deputy Director General for Transport Mobility Planning of the Madrid City Council, Susana Magro, and the Director of ShareNow David Bartolomé.
The second panel focused on equity, inclusion and the role of shared mobility as a complementary solution to public transport. Javier Burrieza, Director of Transport and Mobility at NOMMON, started the panel with a presentation of the use case of Madrid. This was followed by a lively debate with, among others, Carlos Mateo, Director of ‘Other Mobility Services’ of EMT Madrid and Gustavo Romanillos, Professor and Member of the tGIS research group and the EMT-UCM Chair of Cycling Mobility.
Participants who attended the physical meeting had the chance to network during a short closing aperitif.