Where does MOMENTUM store its models and algorithms?
The simple answer would be ‘on Github‘, an internet hosting provider for software development and source code management. The reason for the selection of the platform is ‘its capabilities to easily retrieve a project and track previous versions’, according to our MOMENTUM experts.
Information about the platform itself, the different ways of utilising the MOMENTUM repository and further information on what has been stored on the platform, can be found within the publicly available deliverable ‘Open Repository of Demand and Supply Models and Algorithms for Emerging Mobility Solutions‘.
The MOMENTUM repository replicates our project’s approach of dividing data and content into four main categories; Demand, Fleet management, Supply, and Sustainability. Each of these categories is divided into modules, which contain the files for one or several models, which are developed in different programming languages, including MATLAB, R and Python.
Retrieve the publicly available resources on Github here.