MOMENTUM Final Conference
Our Final Conference will take place at BluePoint in Brussels on 31 March 2022 from 9:00 until 18:00. The ‘BluePoint’ Conference Centre is located at ‘Bd Auguste Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels‘. Please be aware that only fully......
CIVITAS Forum 2021
The CIVITAS Forum 2021 will take place from 20-21 October 2021 in Aachen, Germany, as a physical event. MOMENTUM will...
Presentation of our decision-support tool
The MOMENTUM Project is inviting you to attend the online demonstration of our ‘decision-support tool’ that will enable transport planners...
Presentation of Decision Support Tool to ‘City Pool’
MOMENTUM is inviting its City Pool, a group of selected partner cities that receive regular updates about the current state...
MOMENTUM Mid-Term Online Seminar
The MOMENTUM project invites you to learn more about our data analysis and transport modelling tools by participating in the...